
Employee Attritions

Introduction :

What is Attrition and what determines it?

Attrition: It is basically the turnover rate of employees inside an organization.

This can happen for many reasons:

  1. Employees looking for better opportunities.
  2. A negative working environment.
  3. Bad management.
  4. Excessive working hours.

Structure of the Project:

This project will be structured in the following way:

Table of Contents :

I. Summary of our Data:

II. Gender Analysis:

III. Analysis by Generation and Education:

IV. The Impact of Income towards Attrition:

V. Working Environment:

VI. Analysis and Models

VIII. Conclusion:

Summary of our Data:

Distribution of our Labels :

This is an important aspect that we are dealing with an imbalanced dataset will help us determine what will be the best approach to implement our predictive model. 84% of employees did not quit the organization while 16% did leave the organization.


Gender Analysis :

In this section, we will try to see if there are any discrepancies between male and females in the organization. Also, we will look at other basic information such as the age, level of job satisfaction and average salary by gender.

Distribution of the Age of our employees :

The average age of females is 37.33 and for males is 36.65 and both distributions are similar.


Distribution of Job Satisfaction :

For individuals who didn’t leave the organization, job satisfaction levels are practically the same. However, for people who left the organization , females had a lower satisfaction level as opposed to males.


Monthly Income by Gender :

The average salaries for both genders are the same with males having an average of 6380.51 and females 6686.57.


Generation and Education :

Each type of generation have their particular peculiarities and that is why we should explore in this dataset.

Generational Behavior :


Attrition by Educational Level :

The bachelors are the ones showing the highest level of attrition which makes sense since Millenials create the highest turnover rate inside the organization.


Impact of Income towards Attrition :

Average Income by Department:

There is a huge differences in each department by attrition.


Satisfaction by Income :

The lower the job satisfaction the wider the gap by attrition status in the levels of income.


Income and the Level of Attrition:

This might indicate that at least for the these roles, the sample population that left the organization was mainly because of income.


Average and Percent Difference of Daily Rates :

HealthCare Representatives , Sales Representatives , and Research Scientists have the highest daily rates differences in terms of employees who quit or didn’t quit the organization.


Attrition due to Overtime :

Over 54% of workers who left the organization worked overtime!!!


Working Environment :

In this section, we will explore everything that is related to the working environment and the structure of the organization.

Mean Salary by JobRole :

Managers and Research Directors have the highest salary on average.


Attrition by Job Role :

Sales Representatives, HealthCare Representatives and Managers have the highest attrition rates. This could give us a hint that in these departments we are experiencing certain issues with employees.


Current Managers and Average Satisfaction Score:

Employees that are dealing with recently hired managers have a lower satisfaction score than managers that have been there for a longer time.


Average Environment Satisfaction:

managers and healthcare representatives are dealing with a lower working environment however, we don’t see the same with sales representatives that could be because most sales representatives work outside the organization.



Distance from Work Status :


Employees have Stockoption levels :


Attrition due to Business Travels :


Correlation Matrix :

In this section we will understand what features have a positive correlation with each other. This tells us whether there is an association between two variables.


Bi-Variate Analysis :


Decision Trees :


Feature Importance :


Confusion Matrix :


Conclusion :

Top Reasons why Employees leave the Organization: